Thursday, June 3, 2021

Good advice from Mizz Nina

Good Advice from Mizz Nina

Youtube channel: (Don't forget to subcribe)

Officialmizznina - 

DOPStv -

I find it hard to wear hijab everyday and it interferes with my life, what can I do?

What if the hijab interferes with your lifestyle?

Okay so, when I first started wearing a hijab, it was kind of difficult for me because I wasn't really sure how to wear it properly and you know how to style it at different events and whether it was actually gonna be in the way of what I do

And what I realize was that, the more I got to know who Allah is, the more I realize that you know what, if I'm doing it for the right reason, everything kind of just fall into place.

And alhamdulillah, Allah made it easy for me. So, my advice to you ladies is to make dua to Allah SWT to make it easy for you.

That's the only way because He is the only one who will make things happen for you, who will make things happen for me.

So, make the Dua "Ya Allah, make it easy for me so that I can wear the hijab easily everyday, for your sake, for you Ya Allah, so I can please you, so you can be happy with me ." And Insyaallah, it will all be good.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ending Bahulu Story

BAHULU ~ Small and delicious
The original history bahulu cakes were brought to the ground by the ethnic Malay west of Bangkahulu Indonesia. Bahulu traditional Malay food is highly recognizable. Although there are many types of traditional and modern foods in modern times, bahulu still has a place in the heart of food lovers everywhere.
There are many types of bahulu like bahulu cermai,bahulu kepayang, and bahulu inti. Most supermarkets sell bahulu cermai and some bahulu a bit difficult to find because only traditional cake makers still make it.
The soft, light, and delicate texture of the bahulu is enjoyed together with the hot tea in the morning or evening. Different age groups can enjoy it. The materials used are also simple and available at home, but mold for making bahulu should be purchased. At the same time, every chef makes a recipe or a specific way to make it.
As promised, this is an extension of the bahulu-related partnership. I will elaborate about bahulu so that we can know more about bahulu and not only to eat but we can try after this to make own bahulu.
We can learn how to make bahulu from those who know how to make bahulu but we also can learn from youtube either follow traditional or modern ways. Both have a slighty different taste because if follow traditional ways, they will use coconut coir to burn bahulu. It can make bahulu taste very delicious and soft. Now, many people make bahulu in the modern way because more easy and can make bahulu in greater quantity. During Hari Raya, the demand for bahulu is very high so, it can help other people earn extra money when they sell bahulu.
We can see bahulu will be packed with different types of packages. Bahulu will be packed in small packages, they will put around ten bahulu and will be sold around RM 2.50 - RM 3.00. Bahulu also sold in large containers for a reasonable price around RM 10.00 – RM 12.00. It is very affordable and worth it although not easy to make bahulu. Now, many variety of bahulu and interesting shapes are produced. This is also a good attraction so that they can try different kinds of bahulu. 

        There are many bahulu such as bahulu cermai, bahulu kepayang and bahulu inti. I will share with you one video from Youtube which is there is a part that shows they are making bahulu but if unavailable, just search bahulu Kampung Huma. Hopefully, you can enjoy and thank you very much because you spend time to read my blog.

I also shared a recipe for making bahulu and good luck. So, LOOK FORWARD TO THE FINAL SHARING OF THIS STORY~

  • 150g plain flour
  • 1/4tsp baking powder
  • cooking oilto grease the mould
  • 5 Grade A eggs
  • 110g caster sugar
  • 1/8tsp salt
  • 1tsp vanilla essence
  • kuih bahulu mould
To prepare batter:
  1. Sift the plain flour with baking powder twice and set aside.
  2. Using an electric beater fitted with a balloon whisk, beat eggs, sugar and salt till creamy and fluffy.
  3. Slowly beat in sifted flour mixture and vanilla essence until just mixed. 
To bake:
1.      Pre-heat oven to 220°C and grease bahulu mould with oil.
2.      Heat the greased bahulu mould in the middle rack of the oven for 1 minute or until warm, then remove.
3.      Using a spoon, drop the bahulu mixture into each individual mould until three-quarter full.
4.      Place mould in the oven, and bake for 8-10 minutes, or until bahulu is lightly browned.
5.      Remove mould from oven, and using a bamboo skewer, poke into the sponge cake and gently lift each kuih bahulu out. Leave to cool.
6.      Grease the mould again, and re-heat for 1 minute. Repeat the steps until all the mixture is used up.
7.      Cool the kuih bahulu before storing in jars.
8.      Note: Bahulu might stick to the mould during the first two rounds of baking, so use a kitchen towel dipped in cooking oil to remove bits that got stuck before you oil the mould again and fill with fresh batter. Once the mould is seasoned, bahulu should dislodge easily.
        In conclusion, bahulu is no longer a foreign food to Malaysian society. However, before buying we need to make sure the product has a halal label, the material used is safe and see other information. The buyer will definitely choose a bahulu product that has features such as good color, softness and good aroma. Before purchasing, users should to read information about the manufacturer's address, date of manufacture and expired date. Branding and packaging also play an important role because as buyers will definitely choose good and quality bahulu products. Although there are many interesting foods on the market, bahulu remains a favorite dish regardless of age and gender. We can help small businesses by buying local products so that they can grow their business in the future. There are various grants offered by the government to those who want to start a business. Through this effort, traders can provide more food products and penetrate the market in Malaysia.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Bahulu part 2

BAHULU ~ Small and delicious
The original history bahulu cakes were brought to the ground by the ethnic Malay west of Bangkahulu Indonesia. Bahulu traditional Malay food is highly recognizable. Although there are many types of traditional and modern foods in modern times, bahulu still has a place in the heart of food lovers everywhere.
There are many types of bahulu like bahulu cermai,bahulu kepayang, and bahulu inti. Most supermarkets sell bahulu cermai and some bahulu a bit difficult to find because only traditional cake makers still make it.
The soft, light, and delicate texture of the bahulu is enjoyed together with the hot tea in the morning or evening. Different age groups can enjoy it. The materials used are also simple and available at home, but mold for making bahulu should be purchased. At the same time, every chef makes a recipe or a specific way to make it.
As promised, this is an extension of the bahulu-related partnership. I will elaborate about bahulu so that we can know more about bahulu and not only to eat but we can try after this to make own bahulu.
We can learn how to make bahulu from those who know how to make bahulu but we also can learn from youtube either follow traditional or modern ways. Both have a slighty different taste because if follow traditional ways, they will use coconut coir to burn bahulu. It can make bahulu taste very delicious and soft. Now, many people make bahulu in the modern way because more easy and can make bahulu in greater quantity. During Hari Raya, the demand for bahulu is very high so, it can help other people earn extra money when they sell bahulu.
We can see bahulu will be packed with different types of packages. Bahulu will be packed in small packages, they will put around ten bahulu and will be sold around RM 2.50 - RM 3.00. Bahulu also sold in large containers for a reasonable price around RM 10.00 – RM 12.00. It is very affordable and worth it although not easy to make bahulu. Now, many variety of bahulu and interesting shapes are produced. This is also a good attraction so that they can try different kinds of bahulu. 

There are many bahulu such as bahulu cermai, bahulu kepayang and bahulu inti. I will share with you one video from Youtube which is there is a part that shows they are making bahulu but if unavailable, just search bahulu Kampung Huma. Hopefully, you can enjoy and thank you very much because you spend time to read my blog.

I also shared a recipe for making bahulu and good luck. So, LOOK FORWARD TO THE FINAL SHARING OF THIS STORY~

  • 150g plain flour
  • 1/4tsp baking powder
  • cooking oilto grease the mould
  • 5 Grade A eggs
  • 110g caster sugar
  • 1/8tsp salt
  • 1tsp vanilla essence
  • kuih bahulu mould
To prepare batter:
  1. Sift the plain flour with baking powder twice and set aside.
  2. Using an electric beater fitted with a balloon whisk, beat eggs, sugar and salt till creamy and fluffy.
  3. Slowly beat in sifted flour mixture and vanilla essence until just mixed. 
To bake:
1.      Pre-heat oven to 220°C and grease bahulu mould with oil.
2.      Heat the greased bahulu mould in the middle rack of the oven for 1 minute or until warm, then remove.
3.      Using a spoon, drop the bahulu mixture into each individual mould until three-quarter full.
4.      Place mould in the oven, and bake for 8-10 minutes, or until bahulu is lightly browned.
5.      Remove mould from oven, and using a bamboo skewer, poke into the sponge cake and gently lift each kuih bahulu out. Leave to cool.
6.      Grease the mould again, and re-heat for 1 minute. Repeat the steps until all the mixture is used up.
7.      Cool the kuih bahulu before storing in jars.
8.      Note: Bahulu might stick to the mould during the first two rounds of baking, so use a kitchen towel dipped in cooking oil to remove bits that got stuck before you oil the mould again and fill with fresh batter. Once the mould is seasoned, bahulu should dislodge easily.


Monday, April 6, 2020

Agar-agar syrup😉- simple and easy to make.

                  AGAR-AGAR SYRUP

1) water
2) red syrup
3) pandan leaf
4) agar-agar
5) sugar

1) provide all the necessary ingredients
2) put water in a simple pot
3) put sugar,red syrup,and pandan leaf
4) put agar-agar.Make sure wash it first
5) wait until boils and make sure agar-agar is cooked.Put sugar
6) after cook ,rest for a few minute
7) and put agar-agar in suitable tupperware
8) put agar-agar in refrigerator

1) do not put agar-agar in refrigerator when it is still hot
2) can put pandan leaf so that your food smell good
3) can put any syrup or flavouring drinks like laici according to your own taste
4) you also can make agar-agar coconut but use young coconut
5) agar-agar texture like pudding but some ingredients not same.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Bahulu in Malaysia~

BAHULU ~ Small and delicious
The original history bahulu cakes were brought to the ground by the ethnic Malay west of Bangkahulu Indonesia.

Bahulu traditional Malay food is highly recognizable. Although there are many types of traditional and modern foods in modern times, bahulu still has a place in the heart of food lovers everywhere.

There are many types of bahulu like bahulu cermai,bahulu kepayang, and bahulu inti. Most supermarkets sell bahulu cermai and some bahulu a bit difficult to find because only traditional cake makers still make it.

The soft, light, and delicate texture of the bahulu is enjoyed together with the hot tea in the morning or evening. Different age groups can enjoy it.

The materials used are also simple and available at home, but mold for making bahulu should be purchased. At the same time, every chef makes a recipe or a specific way to make it.

So stay tuned for the next slot. With more attractive charging ..