Sunday, March 22, 2020

Bahulu in Malaysia~

BAHULU ~ Small and delicious
The original history bahulu cakes were brought to the ground by the ethnic Malay west of Bangkahulu Indonesia.

Bahulu traditional Malay food is highly recognizable. Although there are many types of traditional and modern foods in modern times, bahulu still has a place in the heart of food lovers everywhere.

There are many types of bahulu like bahulu cermai,bahulu kepayang, and bahulu inti. Most supermarkets sell bahulu cermai and some bahulu a bit difficult to find because only traditional cake makers still make it.

The soft, light, and delicate texture of the bahulu is enjoyed together with the hot tea in the morning or evening. Different age groups can enjoy it.

The materials used are also simple and available at home, but mold for making bahulu should be purchased. At the same time, every chef makes a recipe or a specific way to make it.

So stay tuned for the next slot. With more attractive charging ..