Thursday, June 3, 2021

Good advice from Mizz Nina

Good Advice from Mizz Nina

Youtube channel: (Don't forget to subcribe)

Officialmizznina - 

DOPStv -

I find it hard to wear hijab everyday and it interferes with my life, what can I do?

What if the hijab interferes with your lifestyle?

Okay so, when I first started wearing a hijab, it was kind of difficult for me because I wasn't really sure how to wear it properly and you know how to style it at different events and whether it was actually gonna be in the way of what I do

And what I realize was that, the more I got to know who Allah is, the more I realize that you know what, if I'm doing it for the right reason, everything kind of just fall into place.

And alhamdulillah, Allah made it easy for me. So, my advice to you ladies is to make dua to Allah SWT to make it easy for you.

That's the only way because He is the only one who will make things happen for you, who will make things happen for me.

So, make the Dua "Ya Allah, make it easy for me so that I can wear the hijab easily everyday, for your sake, for you Ya Allah, so I can please you, so you can be happy with me ." And Insyaallah, it will all be good.